Senin, 27 April 2015

#decanthmagazine show brand BRONXINC. Follow & tap for more detail. @bronxinc_yk @bronxinc_yk @bronxinc_yk BRONXINC inspired by the name of a popular area in New York, it is called BRONX. Why BRONX became the background of this brand? The answer is; when we heard BRONX as a word, the first thing that comes to our mind is focusing to a packed of a chaotic, cruel, rebellion area, and also an image of a mess street life, beside the expressions liberty that expressed in that place. Though with those hard condition, BRONX grows become something that emerge the new culture, and ‘till then; become a trend setter for the youth generation which spreads all over the universe. Through that background, BRONXINC appeared as a new born brand. BRONXINC formed in February 1st 2012 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. BRONXINC as a clothing company would be focused on male fashion outfit as the target audience. BRONXINC producing T-shirt with surely qualified material and the indulging of comfort wear for every customer. BRONXINC, has a unique character design, with its simple, creative, and masculine. Occasionally, there are provocative quotes inside the T-shirt’s design as the BRONXINC identity. The expression liberty become a plus value for every design, just like a masculinity freedom to expressed their truly figure. Their idealism of never ever stoop one’s head to the patrons, and liable to be rebel for a truly figure freedom would be reflected from BRONXINC. Tag us with #decanthmagz & if you want to get review, collaborate or partnership please feel free contact on bio.

Senin, 20 April 2015 adalah website e-commerce untuk Jual Beli secara Grosir yang menjadi penghubung antara supplier maupun pebisnis yang akan memasarkan produknya secara luas. membutuhkan calon pegawai baru dengan posisi sebagai berikut : • Web Developer Kualifikasi : • Pria/Wanita maksimal 26 tahun. • Memiliki karakter baik • Pendidikan diutamakan bidang IT • Memiliki pengalaman membuat sebuah website merupakan nilai tambahan • Diharuskan memiliki pengetahuan mengenai OOP, SQL, HTML5, CSS3, PHP Laravel Framework, Jquery adalah website e-commerce untuk Jual Beli secara Grosir yang menjadi penghubung antara supplier maupun pebisnis yang akan memasarkan produknya secara luas. membutuhkan calon pegawai baru dengan posisi sebagai berikut : A. Marketing Online Kualifikasi: • Pria/Wanita usia maks. 30 Tahun • Pendidikan min. SMA • Mempunyai keahlian marketing online/internet • Familiar dengan Social Media Networking • Kreatif dan suka tantangan • Memahami konsep SEM (Search Engine Marketing & SEO (Search Engine Optimization) • Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun di dalam team • Bertanggung jawab dan bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan • Mampu menggunakan Microsoft Office (WORD & POWERPOINT) • Mampu berkomunikasi dan membina hubungan baik