Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

Seminar Truly Rich Club Ada 2 Pembicara. A. Mr. Edward Lee -- Pasar Modal 1. Beda investasi Forex dan Saham? Apa kiat berinvestasi saham? Tingkat kegagalan Forex trading 97%. Saham. Ada 3 pillar pasar modal 1. Fundamental 2. Technical 3. Di tengah2 mereka berdua: market sentiment Ketika kita membeli saham kita sedang membeli bisnis, gunakanlah Prinsip 4 P: i. Siapa People / Manajemennya? ii. Apa product mereka? iii. Bagaimana Prospek mereka? iv. Seberapa Predictable prospek tsb? Ketika semua fundamental mereka bagus justru beli at discounted rate ketika terjadi force majeure.. krisis ekonomi, perang, bencana alam dll. 2. Pengaruh investor asing di pasar modal Indonesia? Mereka gak peduli sama negara apapun dimana mereka berinvestasi, hanya peduli make a profit, uang adalah tuhan mereka, sehingga flow of funds aloran dana bisa masuk dan keluar. Justru 400 ribu investor lokal / domestik Indonesia para bisnis dan perusahaan Indonesia yg menetap jangka panjang dan percaya akan potensi akan datang Indonesia. Justru harus memperbanyak mereka, yaitu kalian dan supaya kalian bisa prosper dan makmur. Bro Bo Sanchez - topik entrepreneurship 3. Bagaimana startup bisnis komunikasi seperti Anda? Tulis buku, newsletter, kumpulkan testimonial, kirim newsletter. 4. Bagaimana supaya gak menyerah dalam bisnis? Isi bensin dengan mengingat Dream dan mimpi. Selalu setia berkecimpung di area Core Gift / passion kamu. Sehingga waktu kamu gagal kamu akan terus berusaha 5. Ada 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich 1. Bertgg jwb thd financial success kita 2. Perlebar money comfort zone kita 3. Hilangkan belief ttg kemiskinan yg gak tepat 4. Total komitmen thd Dream 5. Baikkan IQ keuangan kt 6. Naiki kendaraan menuju kemakmuran mell investasi 7. Action Oriented 8. Menang dalam semua area hidup dgn m andalkan Tuhan


Sabtu, 12 September 2015

People will always judge you ; but don't let what they say define you #deocardinotes


Another addition to our new collection is classic indigo canvas sling bag. Designed for you who can't be separated with your bag, whatever you do and wherever you are. Perfect companion to travel around, suits your stuffs all in a bag. Your tab or iPad, gadget, wallet and so on. Available in indigo and black; as seen on photo is indigo one. Go and grab yours at www.samdecanth.com/store ; limited stock available. #samdecanth #packandgo #flatlay


Back to our newest category, stationery ! The coolest binder made just for our beloved customers, best materials chosen to make these silky and elegant binder. 3 colours are available ; Tosca, indigo blue, and black. Available in limited edition. Visit our webstore at www.samdecanth.com/store #samdecanth #packandgo


The well-known messenger bags are finally back on stock. Features upgraded from the last one, simply the perfect companion for your daily activities. Limited stocks available in indigo and black. Go and grab yours soon at www.samdecanth.com/store #samdecanth #packandgo


Another addition to our new collection is classic indigo canvas sling bag. Designed for you who can't be separated with your bag, whatever you do and wherever you are. Perfect companion to travel around, suits your stuffs all in a bag. Your tab or iPad, gadget, wallet and so on. Available in indigo and black; as seen on photo is indigo one. Go and grab yours at www.samdecanth.com/store ; limited stock available. #samdecanth #packandgo


Back to our newest category, stationery ! The coolest binder made just for our beloved customers, best materials chosen to make these silky and elegant binder. 3 colours are available ; Tosca, indigo blue, and black. Available in limited edition. Visit our webstore at www.samdecanth.com/store #samdecanth #packandgo


Now Available at Shopdeca.com . You can go and grab your one peeps !@shopdeca , - http://samdecanth.com/now-available-at-shopdeca-com/


Rabu, 02 September 2015

#decanthmagazine show brand Casual Drei. Follow & tap for more detail. @casualdrei @casualdrei @casualdrei Casual Drei is a ready-made clothing brand founded in 2011 by three people who have the same passion and vision. In each design collections, Casual dress Drei trying to capture the essence of what is "hype" at this time. Casual Drei product itself is a combination of casual design combined with quality materials. Support our local brand to continue growing and worldwide. Tag us with #decanthmagz & if you want to get review, collaborate or partnership please feel free contact on bio.


Another addition to our new collection is classic indigo canvas sling bag. Designed for you who can't be separated with your bag, whatever you do and wherever you are. Perfect companion to travel around, suits your stuffs all in a bag. Your tab or iPad, gadget, wallet and so on. Available in indigo and black; as seen on photo is indigo one. Go and grab yours at www.samdecanth.com/store ; limited stock available. #samdecanth #packandgo


Dont miss this most awaited business camp for Young Entrepreneurs, Professionals, and also passionate College Students to wants to excell in BUSINESS and MARKETPLACE! Need more info? visit our website: bit.ly/regis_dtscamp #deocardinotes #dtscamp07


You have to learn the rules of the game ; And then you have to play better than anyone else. #deocardinotes
